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Life in a Bubble

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Ok, so here's the deal. I actually wrote the post you're about to read several months ago. October 2nd, to be exact. Since then (as many of you have pointed out lol), content has been a little dry...or rather, nonexistent. It's been a crazy busy term in the most chaotically wonderful way possible. So much has happened it feels like I've been here for so long but also not long at all? It's only first term and time is moving too fast! Sometimes I feel like two years won't be enough time at this place. But not to worry! While I may have been MIA here on my blog, I also have somewhere between 5 to 10 half-written updates in my draft bin that just need to edited and 'produced' a tad before they can make their internet debut. Stay tuned for more posts from October and November come winter break in about two weeks 😂. In the meantime I will be working on my speech (worth 35% yay!) and studying for the five(ish)-or-something tests I have scheduled next week 😕.

Anyways, please enjoy this little blurb from a rather mercurous time in October. Much has changed since then, but I suppose you'll have to wait until the holidays (and for my tests to be completed!) to find out what 😉.


I'm in awe of how quickly time has passed since arriving in BC and it's hard to believe that I've left home over a month ago. In many ways, Pearson is slowly but surely shaping into another place I call home. Since arriving, I've already made so many memories and gone on a number of adventurous expeditions- I caught my first shrimp 🦐, stargazed for hours 🔭, developed an impassioned loathing of Scotch Broom (an invasive species we spent hours weeding out) 🌳, camped out at the observatory ⛺, flipped my kayak into the bay 🌊- really just enjoying what time I have in this incredible place. It's strange to be at a UWC amidst a global pandemic. There's always this creeping anxiousness that any day could be our last and we'll be sent home on the next flight back to our native regions. The absence of my international co-years and the decades-old Pearson traditions that have been cancelled as a result have hit the community hard. There are lingering fears that cultural pass-downs will get lost or forgotten somewhere in the gap between our second years and the y47s we might never see in person. I'm not sure if my rambling makes much sense to those outside of Pearson but perhaps I'll talk more about it another time.

The woods
What it's like to go walking in the woods

In much happier news, we now have word that the government has finally lifted the travel ban for some international students (with UWC Pearson being considered a favoured institution)! We're currently at the height of exam week for our second years so this was a very welcomed reason to celebrate. There was a lot of screaming, hugging, and happy tears- a parade of people even ran straight into the bay fully clothed when the news got out! All in all, I'm so excited to welcome my fellow co-years (in person instead of over zoom 🥳) and I hope everyone on campus will continue to follow the guidelines and regulations needed to get them here.

One positive that has come out of living in a campus “bubble” and being unable to travel to places like downtown Victoria and Metchosin is that we’ve had a lot more time to explore the many acres of “Pearson Land” surrounding campus. Around this time last week, I had the chance to escape outside of campus core on my own for the first time (thanks to some positive encouragement from a second year who threw me my camera and said to fool around outdoors lol). I ended up in the woods for hours and can honestly say that adventuring with friends is incredibly fun but exploring sites solo is a differently spectacular experience altogether.

Side note: As I'm editing this it is currently early December and I cannot recall what direct sunlight feels like. Alright, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it rains ALL DAY just about EVERY DAY. Much gratitude to the late Sir Edward Mellanby (1884-1955) for the discovery of vitamin D. You have done Pearson College students a great service.

Pearson College UWC

Just past the soccer field on the way up to the Galloping Goose.

Looking out to the marina from the Ondaatje building (math/art/pottery).

The observatory

Blurry photo- kayaking CAS on a cloudy day. But we saw humpback whales!

September sunsets

Favourite study spots...

Above: the art room

Above: free block working up at the observatory!

And last but not least...

MY ROOM! If you were curious... 🤷‍♂️

So much changes day-to-day at Pearson that you're never quite sure exactly what you should be feeling. Either way, it's been absolutely breathtaking and I don't think a couple words would do my experience justice.

My apologies for this mess of a post- really, I'm just scribbling down some thoughts. Since October, I've gotten so much more comfortable with photography (particularly candid shots) and I have so many photos that I wish I could share. Alas, I don't see how getting consent from everyone involved is feasible so I apologize for the lack of quality pictures. For friends and family, the next time we meet, please do ask to see them if it's of interest. I plan to develop a mad ton of photos when I get back and would love to share! In my opinion, you cannot nearly capture what it means to be a part of Pearson with words alone, and so I'll keep clicking behind the scenes :)

Thanks again for stopping by! See you in the next update! 👋🎄


Ps. UWC applications (click the hyperlink) are now open in most countries! Further questions? Don't hesitate to reach out - I'd love to hear from you!

PPs. Thank you to all the lovely people who have reached out so far! It's incredibly gratifying (and equally as exciting!) to know that this mess of a blog has been helpful to some. I wish you all the best of luck with your applications :D

Until next time,


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